The aim of the advisory body is to support The 2030-Network in its context-sensitive learning and action for impactful national sustainable development policy-making in Denmark.
The 2030-Panel consists of 25 strong and diverse stakeholder profiles, who are elected as representatives of key players in the Danish society. They have been chosen by virtue of their personal capacity and experience with implementation and fulfillment of the SDG’s nationally and globally. Sara Krüger Falk, Director of Global Compact Network Denmark, is chairman of The 2030-Panel.
The 2030-Panel supports the political work of The 2030-Network through sharing of knowledge, analysis and sparring. The aim of the panel’s advisory approach is to provide a more direct route to possible options and solutions, that positions the 2030-Network to act faster and in partnerships based on knowledge from an influential cross-section of industries and SDG practitioners. In addition, does the Panel seek to create public engagement and ownership about SDG’s. The 2030-Panel can take independent initiatives and is not subject to political guidelines by the Network. The Panel meets six to eight times a year and organizes meetings and events in collaboration with the 2030-Network.
The Panel has, among other things, launched the world’s first open SDG development project that aims to establish inclusive supplementary Danish indicators on the status of the SDG’s in Denmark. The baseline project, carried out in collaboration with Statistics Denmark, is implemented to motivate, measure and facilitate political action towards the 2030 Agenda in a national context.
During COVID-19 has the Panel been an active voice to promote and motivate the “building back better” mindset politically and in the public debate. The Panel’s goal is to convince and qualify Danish politicians to dare to choose the sustainable pathway out of the crisis.
Global Focus acts as a secretariat for the Panel and assists it in facilitating meetings and events, coordinating visits, providing contact with relevant actors, knowledge sharing, etc.
The Panel also works to promote the SDG agenda through:
- Interaction with ministers and civil servants to influence political SDG action plans
- Information on the SDG agenda to spread and promote ownership widely in the Danish society
- Participation in SDG debates, events and campaigns
- A specific working group on education whose purpose is to anchor knowledge and learning about the SDG’s as a part of the Danish educational system
- Baseline projects on specific SDG goals
- Identifying and distributing the yearly SDG award given to a person/corporation who has made an extraordinary effort to promote the SDG’s in Denmark
Contact the 2030-panel
Sara Krüger Falk
Chairman of the 2030-Panel
Simon Kjær Hansen
Vice Chairman of the 2030-Panel
Sarah Wolf
Phone: +4520868320
Emilia Bøge Caliskan
Student of Events and Communication
Phone: +4522852086